The world we live in is full of fairytales–you just have to be willing to keep your eyes and your heart open to the magic. Every place on earth has it’s own magical qualities. However, these 11 places (in no particular order) really radiate an otherworldly and ethereal feeling. We are truly blessed to, Read More

The Priority Pass is a little card that you can use to get some great travel benefits, like Priority Pass Lounge Access, free meals, and more. Priority Pass Lounges are labeled in the airport with a little sign that says “Priority Pass Accepted” or go to this link for the list of lounges worldwide. If, Read More

Have you ever wondered how to book a flight online with miles? Do you want to know how we book flights around the world with credit card award miles and fly for practically free? Read on…. How to Get Delta Miles – ACT FAST! Right now, you can earn 70,000 miles and a $100, Read More

 Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson As we are all aware, flying on a plane isn’t the most eco-friendly activity. Neither is driving a car, which is hard to avoid unless you live in a city and, Read More

hiking and travel

Ohhhh, The Places You’ll Go! ~ Dr. Seuss I was born in a small town in Northern Minnesota in an area called “The Iron Range”, heavy on mining and bars and not a whole lot to do for kids. Although we moved around a lot from town to town around the Range, I never really, Read More

Many people have told me, “I really CAN’T travel right now.” For whatever reason, due to finances or obligations or something else, there are times in life when we may be stuck in one place, but we still feel the wanderlust deep inside. Hey, don’t be sad! FIND THE BEAUTY IN YOUR OWN BACKYARD., Read More

Sounds awesome and glamorous, right?! Well it is, but you got to put in some work for it and some time and patience. If you are ready to do whatever it takes to see the world so you can experience other cultures, immerse yourself in nature, and be awed by the wonders of the, Read More

romanian church

I had a bad feeling the minute we stepped off the plane and into the airport. We were now in the mysterious land of Vlad the Impaler (Dracula), but that wasn’t it. We were tired, jet-lagged and not thinking straight, but did that make a difference? Maybe.